Empowering speech therapists with automation
Be among the first to experience the benefits of our tool by signing up for our early-access list. As a member of our early-access list, you'll be the first to know about updates, beta testing opportunities, and special promotions.
Our features
We are currently in the process of developing an AI-based tool that will streamline the assessment process for Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs). Our tool will:

Automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks
Our tool will automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, allowing SLPs to focus on interpreting results and developing treatment plans for their clients.

Provide real-time analysis and reporting of assessment results
Our app will offer real-time analysis and reporting of assessment results, allowing SLPs to make informed decisions about their clients' progress.

Suggest the most appropriate assessment for clients based on their profile
Our tool will suggest the most appropriate assessment for clients based on their profile, helping SLPs to save time and improve the effectiveness of their assessments.

Customizable and adaptable to different practice settings
The application will be customizable and adaptable to different practice settings, allowing SLPs to tailor the tool to their specific needs and preferences.
We are committed to protecting your data and keeping it secure. Our platform will be compliant with HIPAA and GDPR, and we'll use the latest security measures to ensure your data is safe.
Sign up for early access
Don't miss out on the opportunity to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your speech therapy practice. Sign up for early access today.
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